One Bus Away

Travel Tools

One Bus Away

Where is your bus or train?

With schedule and real-time transit information, you'll know exactly when your bus or train will arrive. Reduce your wait time using public transit.


You an use the following tools to make it easier to use public transit.

Link to Puget Sound: One Bus Away

Desktop Web

A map-based web interface for finding stops, routes, and real-time arrival information.

SMS Bus Tracking

Instructions for receiving bus arrival details by text.

Mobile Web

Real-time arrival information formatted for mobile viewing or via the Classic OBA mobile web interface.


A native OneBusAway app for Android phones, with location-aware and notification features.


A native OneBusAway app for iPhones, with location-aware features.

Windows Phone

A native OneBusAway app for Windows Phone 7 and 8 phones.

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