Trip Planner

Trip Planner

Find Your Ride on Find a Ride!

Find a Ride’s new trip planner helps you discover transportation options in Pierce, King, and Snohomish counties. Find the mobility option that is right for you!

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This is recommended for mobile devices, and users requiring enhanced magnification.

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Start planning a trip with our Trip Planner today.

Please complete our feedback form to help us improve the new trip planning website.

Explore your options and plan travel across public transit, volunteer transportation providers, non-emergency medical transportation, walking, biking, and more!

A reminder that Find a Ride does not have booking capability.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Visit our Frequently Asked Questions page for tips to maximize your search results.
  • Phone support is available, but staff are not able to book trips for travelers.
  • Please visit our FAQ to learn about accessibility features to support people who use voice over and screen readers to navigate our new trip planning website.

Phone Support

  • In King County: Hopelink’s Transportation Resources Line staff can provide one-on-one support in finding unique transportation options that fit your needs. Staff cannot book your trip. The phone number is 425-943-6760. The Mobility Line is open from 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM, Monday through Friday. If staff are unavailable, leave a voicemail and they will return your call within two business days.

  • In Pierce County: dial 211 or 253-572-4357, or email South Sound 211 Transportation Resource Center staff can provide one-on-one support in finding unique transportation options that fit your needs in Pierce County. 211 is open from 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM, Monday through Friday. If staff are unavailable, leave a voicemail and they will return your call within two business days.

Please complete our feedback form to help us improve the new trip planning website.

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