Medicaid Transportation

Travel Tools

Medicaid Transportation

Pierce County

Non-Emergency Medical Transportation (NEMT)

Paratransit Services provides Non-Emergency Medical Transportation (NEMT) brokerage services for Pierce County under contract with the State of Washington's Health Care Authority (HCA). The Broker schedules transportation services for eligible Medicaid clients by seeking the most cost effective means of transportation that meet the client's needs. Riders must get a DSHS Medical ID Card which you use to pay for your medical visits. 

The Paratransit Services website includes a trip booking wizard and a ride check tool to confirm your scheduled Medicaid trips.

King and Snohomish Counties

Non-Emergency Medical Transportation (NEMT)

Hopelink NEMT provides brokerage services for King and Snohomish counties for Medicaid-billable services that are covered by WA Apple Health.

If you  are a current client, and have participated in an eligibility process, and receive regular rides through NEMT, you may use Hopelink NEMT's online service MyRideOnline to

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